Create Art.
Create Good.

Art for Good
Mental Health & Well-being

At Art for Good, we follow the simple concept and philosophy of using ART to create GOOD!

Here, we believe that visual arts can be used to promote the importance of good mental health and well-being in many ways. In the fast-paced society that we are living in today, mental wellness often gets overlooked. We believe that it is crucial to start nurturing positive mental health and awareness since as early as possible.

As a social enterprise, we provide professional art services and organize meaningful art projects for the good of our community. The journey of good mental health and well-being begins with every individual, who can contribute and give back to the community.

Join Us on our Journey to use ART for Social Change!

At Art for Good, we provide services including Art Therapy, Art Enrichment, Community Art, and Empowerment Shop.

Through collaborations with different individuals, companies, schools, and organizations, we are inspired to create more interesting projects to do good!

Art Therapy

Art Therapy is guided by an art therapist using art media, images, art processes, and client responses to create products as the reflections of personal development, abilities, personality, interests, concerns and for conflict resolution.

Art Workshops

Art encourages the love of learning and personal development. Through our art programs, you will be able to express yourself through art and still enjoy the therapeutic benefits that it brings. Explore a variety of art mediums, all skill levels are welcome!

Community Art

Giving back through community art projects gives us a sense of fulfilment and appreciation, especially when we contribute to building a more inclusive society. Here you can have the opportunity to engage with our beneficiaries.

SHOP FOR GOOD! Our online shop and booths provide a platform and opportunity, empowering through the showcase and sales of art products created by our artist beneficiaries! Proceeds will go directly toward the artists and their families.

Feedback from Participants & Collaborators

There are so many positive applications to art, along with its great potential to create good for the community.

At Art for Good, we value the high quality of our work and we also strongly believe in collaboration.
We are open to collaborations and we would love to welcome any creative idea.

Together, we can reach greater heights! Let’s start a creative project!

We believe in empowering and creating meaning in what we do, which is the essence of our shop.

Purchases from our shop go towards supporting our beneficiaries!

Each product is thoughtfully designed by our artist beneficiaries to brighten your day

Help uplift underprivileged and vulnerable communities with your purchase

Your support will bring a smile to our artist beneficiaries which include children with special needs

Hi, my name is Blob. I'm so happy to meet you!

Let me show you my mindfulness journey at Art for Good with my family and friends!

We have a WhatsApp group chat for like-minded artists, art practitioners and volunteers.

If you would like to hear from us, please leave your message below. You will get active updates on our art projects, programs and volunteer opportunities.

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