Freedom! Everyone can what he or she wants. To be able to achieve the impossible or to just have fun with it. I just wish to have the ability to fly and play in the sky. The blue plastic cup on the eagle’s body represents me, a man-made object. I want to be like the eagle; confident and fierce. I want to have lots of fun playing in the sky with my friends from time to time.
Dimensions & Art Medium
- A3 size
- Watercolour on watercolour paper
Display Location :
- At 5 Kada
Jun Kai is a 20-year-old boy who is diagnosed with autism. Drawing calms Jun Kai and helps him to regulate his emotions. Jun Kai also loves Lego constructions and is particularly intrigued at how the Lego technic gears interact. Jun Kai is very talented in art and has an eye for detail.
At Play in the Sky