Community Art

Giving back through community art projects gives us a sense of fulfillment and appreciation, especially when we contribute to building a more inclusive society. With our understanding and expertise in art, we are able to create meaningful community art projects with different objectives to cater to a wide range of audiences. These projects allow us to use art for social change and make a positive impact to our community.
Team Bonding
We incorporate art into team bonding activities to build rapport and relationships within the team while being able to enjoy the fun of art making. Our team bonding art activities bring out the different strengths of each individual as everyone works together to achieve a common goal. Participants need not be artistically inclined as we can design and customise our activities to cater to all different skill levels. Most importantly, the art products created from these activities will be gifted to our beneficiaries, making this a meaningful event for all those participating.

Art for the Community
Art for the Community is meant for public engagement and interaction through art. The objective is to create an art making culture in Singapore, by showcasing prominent art pieces made by local artists and increasing the awareness of art within our community. Our art events generally involve several engaging art activities to promote different forms of art, which members of the public can actively participate. Everyone is welcome to join our events as we design our activities to be suitable to all different skill levels. Being able to appreciate art allows us to better appreciate ourselves as a community and enriches us culturally.

Charity and Fundraising Activities
At Art for Good, we strongly believe in the concept of using art to create good. We have partnered and collaborated with many different charity organisations in Singapore to organise meaningful and memorable art events for our beneficiaries. We even had the honour to welcome President Halimah Yacob at one of our events!. Our beneficiaries come from all different population groups, which include refugees, children from low income families, children with special needs and children with cancer.

Mural Painting
We create murals to beautify spaces and walls. It has been shown that public art is not only important to beautifying an area and making it more inviting for its citizens, but it also adds value to all the surrounding assets. The objectives and designs for such mural activities will differ based on the space, organisations and people involved in creating the murals. At Art for Good, murals can be created by the community, as a form of team bonding activity, or by professional artists. Most of our murals are created for charities, non-profit organisations and educational institutions.